I went out today to take some pics around Zurich. Weather was depressing: rainy, cloudy, cold. But life turned to full color after entering a chocolate shop at Bahnhofstrasse. I'm sure you'll want to eat some chocolate after this! Click on the images to enlarge them.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Swiss chocolate / chocolate suizo
Hoy sali a tomar fotos de nuevo por la ciudad de Zurich. El clima horrible: lluvioso, nublado, frio, deprimente. Pero luego, la vida tomo color cuando entre a una tienda de chocolate en la calle Bahnhofstrasse. De seguro se van a antojar! Hagan click en las imagenes para verlas en grande.
I went out today to take some pics around Zurich. Weather was depressing: rainy, cloudy, cold. But life turned to full color after entering a chocolate shop at Bahnhofstrasse. I'm sure you'll want to eat some chocolate after this! Click on the images to enlarge them.

I went out today to take some pics around Zurich. Weather was depressing: rainy, cloudy, cold. But life turned to full color after entering a chocolate shop at Bahnhofstrasse. I'm sure you'll want to eat some chocolate after this! Click on the images to enlarge them.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
(English below)
A Basilea se le conoce tambien como el Dreiländereck, o la esquina de los tres paises. Esto porque la ciudad se encuentra en la pura frontera entre Alemania, Francia y Suiza. A orillas del rio Rin, Basilea no es turisticamente muy famosa, sin embargo es una ciudad bastante importante. Aqui se encuentra el Banco de Pagos Internacionales, conocido tambien como el "banco central de los bancos centrales" del mundo. Basilea es sede de importantes empresas tales como Novartis.
En esta ocasiones, nos fuimos la tarde de hoy domingo a Basilea, ciudad por la que he pasado dos veces pero nunca he tenido la oportunidad de ver en detalle. El clima pudo haber estado mejor, con una ligera lluvia y totalmente nublado. Les adjunto unas fotos que tome, espero las disfruten! Hagan click en las imagenes para abrirlas en mi sitio de Flickr, donde podran abrir la imagen en grande.
1. Vista del rio Rin desde Pfalz.

2. El Palacio Municipal.

3. Vista a traves de la torre Spalentor (HDR).

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Basel is also known as the Dreiländereck, or the three-countries corner. This is because the city is very close to the border between France, Germany and Switzerland. Located at the Rhine river, Basel is maybe touristically not so famous, but is indeed a very important city in Switzerland. Here are the headquarters of the Bank of International Settlements, known also as the "central bank of the central banks" of the world. Important companies, such as Novartis, are also lodged here.
This time, we went for the afternoon to Basel. Weather could have been better: there was a light rain and it was completely overcast. Still, I managed to take some pictures. Click on the images to view them on my Flickr site, where you can see a larger version. Hope you enjoy them.
1. View of the Rhine river from Pfalz.

2. The Rathaus.

3. View through the Spalentor tower. This is my first HDR, done with Photoshop CS4 by merging 5 different exposures.
A Basilea se le conoce tambien como el Dreiländereck, o la esquina de los tres paises. Esto porque la ciudad se encuentra en la pura frontera entre Alemania, Francia y Suiza. A orillas del rio Rin, Basilea no es turisticamente muy famosa, sin embargo es una ciudad bastante importante. Aqui se encuentra el Banco de Pagos Internacionales, conocido tambien como el "banco central de los bancos centrales" del mundo. Basilea es sede de importantes empresas tales como Novartis.
En esta ocasiones, nos fuimos la tarde de hoy domingo a Basilea, ciudad por la que he pasado dos veces pero nunca he tenido la oportunidad de ver en detalle. El clima pudo haber estado mejor, con una ligera lluvia y totalmente nublado. Les adjunto unas fotos que tome, espero las disfruten! Hagan click en las imagenes para abrirlas en mi sitio de Flickr, donde podran abrir la imagen en grande.
1. Vista del rio Rin desde Pfalz.
2. El Palacio Municipal.
3. Vista a traves de la torre Spalentor (HDR).
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Basel is also known as the Dreiländereck, or the three-countries corner. This is because the city is very close to the border between France, Germany and Switzerland. Located at the Rhine river, Basel is maybe touristically not so famous, but is indeed a very important city in Switzerland. Here are the headquarters of the Bank of International Settlements, known also as the "central bank of the central banks" of the world. Important companies, such as Novartis, are also lodged here.
This time, we went for the afternoon to Basel. Weather could have been better: there was a light rain and it was completely overcast. Still, I managed to take some pictures. Click on the images to view them on my Flickr site, where you can see a larger version. Hope you enjoy them.
1. View of the Rhine river from Pfalz.
2. The Rathaus.
3. View through the Spalentor tower. This is my first HDR, done with Photoshop CS4 by merging 5 different exposures.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Zurich at night / Zurich de noche
Ayer y hoy sali con la camara a tomar fotos nocturnas de la ciudad de Zurich. Hagan click en las imagenes para verlas en grande.
Today and yesterday, I took out my camera and went around the city of Zurich to take some night pictures. Click on the images to view them larger.
#1. Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland.

#2. Uraniastrasse, Zurich

#3. Grossmunster

#4. Grossmunster and the Limmat river

#5. The Limmat river

Vista de Zurich desde Uetliberg / View of Zurich from Uetliberg.
Today and yesterday, I took out my camera and went around the city of Zurich to take some night pictures. Click on the images to view them larger.
#1. Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland.
#2. Uraniastrasse, Zurich
#3. Grossmunster
#4. Grossmunster and the Limmat river
#5. The Limmat river
Vista de Zurich desde Uetliberg / View of Zurich from Uetliberg.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Photos Monte Generoso
Some pictures we took at Monte Generoso, already covered with snow!
Y estas dos extra, la primera, es atardecer visto desde el balcón de mi apartamento; la segunda, una foto de larga exposición tomada en el lago de Lugano:
And these two extra, the first one, the sunset as seen from my balcony; the second, a long exposure taken at lago di Lugano:
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Sunday, November 01, 2009
Berna es la capital de facto de Suiza. Es un punto estrategico para el trafico ferroviario, desde el cual se toman los trenes para los alpes (Berner Oberland), como Interlaken, adonde fuimos la vez pasada. Sin embargo, la ciudad de Berna tambien tienen sus propios encantos, el principal de ellos, la ciudad vieja de Berna (Die Altstadt). Construida en el siglo 12, la ciudad aun preserva el espiritu medieval con la que fue construida, y fue admitida como Patrimonio Historico de la Humanidad de la UNESCO en 1983.
En el siguiente link pueden acceder el set completo de fotos:
Haga click aqui para ver el fotoset
View Bärn in a larger map
Bern is the de facto capital of Switzerland. It is a strategic transit point, from which you can reach the impressive alpine destinations of the Bernese Alps (Bern Oberland), like Interlaken, a place that we visited just some weeks ago. However, the city has its own charm, the Old City being one of them. Built during the 12th century, the city still preserves its medieval spirit, and was admitted in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.
On the following link, you can access the full set of pictures:
Haga click aqui para ver el fotoset
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