With the purpose of collecting information for my thesis project, I have created an online survey which asks people about what they know about the yield curve and how they use to for investment decision-making. I would appreciate it if you could access the survey and answer it. It consists of 10 simple questions only.
Access the survey here
Thanks for participating,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thesis survey
With the purpose of collecting information for my thesis project, I have created an online survey which asks people about what they know about the yield curve and how they use to for investment decision-making. I would appreciate it if you could access the survey and answer it. It consists of 10 simple questions only.
Access the survey here
Thanks for participating,
With the purpose of collecting information for my thesis project, I have created an online survey which asks people about what they know about the yield curve and how they use to for investment decision-making. I would appreciate it if you could access the survey and answer it. It consists of 10 simple questions only.
Access the survey here
Thanks for participating,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Why Do People Live Long in Costa Rica
Report from the 'Blue Zone': Why Do People Live Long in Costa Rica?
Interesting article about why do we Costa Ricans have the highest life expectancy in the world...
blue zone,
costa rica,
costa rica life expectancy
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tri de Nyon
(English below)
Ya con un poco mas de fuerzas para sentarme frente a la computadora, les comento que el triatlon fue una experiencia extraordinaria. Aunque tenia mas expectativas sobre el tiempo para finalizarlo, el objetivo principal era poder completarlo, y eso lo consegui.
El tramo de natacion fue retador para mi pues tengo solamente dos meses de nadar, bajo la estricta guia tecnica de mi entrenador de natacion, el famoso nadador Daniel de Costa Rica, sin cuya ayuda y asistencia no hubiera sido posible lograr esta hazania personal. Pase de apenas nadar 50m casi ahogandome en una piscina apenas dos meses atras, a echarme 1.5km en aguas abiertas. Gracias Caco! Sali del agua con un tiempo de 49 minutos.
El recorrido en bicicleta consistio en un circuito de 10km, al que habia que darle cuatro vueltas, por la campiña del canton de Vaud, recorriendo unos campos enormes de plantaciones de girasoles. Con unas cuantes cuestas que subir, no me senti en la bicicleta tan fuerte como siempre, y me tomo 1 hora y 40 minutos terminar la bicicleta.
Algunos dicen que la transicion de la bicicleta a la corrida es horrible. Para mi fue todo lo contrario. Sentia como si mis pies se fuesen desplazando por el aire sin tocar el piso. El recorrido de 10km cerca de Nyon tambien tenia su par de cuestecitas sadicas que, a estas alturas del partido, fueron una ingratitud. Finalice los 10km con un tiempo de 1 hora, 12 minutos.
Y asi, les adjunto algunas fotos, espero que las disfruten. Saludos!
Größere Kartenansicht
With more strength now to sit in front of a computer, I can tell you that the experience of participating on a Triathlon was amazing. Although I had expected a better finish time, the main objective was to finish it, that I have the satisfaction to be able to claim that result!
The swimming leg was challenging to me because I have about 2 months of swimming experience. Under the strict technical advice of my famous swimmer cousin Daniel, I went from swimming 50m on a pool, to a 1.5km open-water swimming competition. Without his help, this would have not been possible. Thanks Caco! It took me 49 minutes to finish.
The bike leg consisted of a 10km circuit to be rode four times along the countryside of canton Vaud, through beautiful plantations of sunflowers. With some uphill parts, I did not perform on the bike as good as usual, and it took me a disappointing time of 1 hour and 40 minutes to finish the biki leg.
Some say that the transition from bike to run is a nightmare. To me it was simple and easy: I just felt as if my feet were moving on air, as if there was no ground beneath them. The run leg consisted of 10km nearby the city of Nyon, with some uphill to go, which at this point in time, was really really rude! I finished with a time of 1 hour, 12 minutes.
And so, I share with you some pictures of my participation on this triathlon, hope you'll enjoy them!
Ya con un poco mas de fuerzas para sentarme frente a la computadora, les comento que el triatlon fue una experiencia extraordinaria. Aunque tenia mas expectativas sobre el tiempo para finalizarlo, el objetivo principal era poder completarlo, y eso lo consegui.
El tramo de natacion fue retador para mi pues tengo solamente dos meses de nadar, bajo la estricta guia tecnica de mi entrenador de natacion, el famoso nadador Daniel de Costa Rica, sin cuya ayuda y asistencia no hubiera sido posible lograr esta hazania personal. Pase de apenas nadar 50m casi ahogandome en una piscina apenas dos meses atras, a echarme 1.5km en aguas abiertas. Gracias Caco! Sali del agua con un tiempo de 49 minutos.
El recorrido en bicicleta consistio en un circuito de 10km, al que habia que darle cuatro vueltas, por la campiña del canton de Vaud, recorriendo unos campos enormes de plantaciones de girasoles. Con unas cuantes cuestas que subir, no me senti en la bicicleta tan fuerte como siempre, y me tomo 1 hora y 40 minutos terminar la bicicleta.
Algunos dicen que la transicion de la bicicleta a la corrida es horrible. Para mi fue todo lo contrario. Sentia como si mis pies se fuesen desplazando por el aire sin tocar el piso. El recorrido de 10km cerca de Nyon tambien tenia su par de cuestecitas sadicas que, a estas alturas del partido, fueron una ingratitud. Finalice los 10km con un tiempo de 1 hora, 12 minutos.
Y asi, les adjunto algunas fotos, espero que las disfruten. Saludos!
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
Größere Kartenansicht
With more strength now to sit in front of a computer, I can tell you that the experience of participating on a Triathlon was amazing. Although I had expected a better finish time, the main objective was to finish it, that I have the satisfaction to be able to claim that result!
The swimming leg was challenging to me because I have about 2 months of swimming experience. Under the strict technical advice of my famous swimmer cousin Daniel, I went from swimming 50m on a pool, to a 1.5km open-water swimming competition. Without his help, this would have not been possible. Thanks Caco! It took me 49 minutes to finish.
The bike leg consisted of a 10km circuit to be rode four times along the countryside of canton Vaud, through beautiful plantations of sunflowers. With some uphill parts, I did not perform on the bike as good as usual, and it took me a disappointing time of 1 hour and 40 minutes to finish the biki leg.
Some say that the transition from bike to run is a nightmare. To me it was simple and easy: I just felt as if my feet were moving on air, as if there was no ground beneath them. The run leg consisted of 10km nearby the city of Nyon, with some uphill to go, which at this point in time, was really really rude! I finished with a time of 1 hour, 12 minutes.
And so, I share with you some pictures of my participation on this triathlon, hope you'll enjoy them!
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
From Competitions |
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Con este tiempo finalice mi participación en el triatlón de Nyon. Me siento echo una desgracia, pero valió la pena. Después de nadar 1.5k
en el lago Leman (compartido entre Suiza y Francia), recorrer 40km por la campilla del Cantón Vaud, y correr 10km por la ciudad de Nyon, me doy cuenta que este es un deporte durisimo y he quedado convidado: quiero mas! Voy en tren de camino a casa, luego pondré otro Post con fotos y algún videito.
With this time I crossed the finish line at the Nyon Triathlon. After swimming 1.5km on lake Geneva (which is shared by France and Switzerland) riding 40km around the countryside of canton Vaud, and running 10km around Nyon, I realize that this sport is no joke at all an is hard as hell, and now I want more of it. On another post I'll give you pictures and a video of the event.
en el lago Leman (compartido entre Suiza y Francia), recorrer 40km por la campilla del Cantón Vaud, y correr 10km por la ciudad de Nyon, me doy cuenta que este es un deporte durisimo y he quedado convidado: quiero mas! Voy en tren de camino a casa, luego pondré otro Post con fotos y algún videito.
With this time I crossed the finish line at the Nyon Triathlon. After swimming 1.5km on lake Geneva (which is shared by France and Switzerland) riding 40km around the countryside of canton Vaud, and running 10km around Nyon, I realize that this sport is no joke at all an is hard as hell, and now I want more of it. On another post I'll give you pictures and a video of the event.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
@ Nyon
Llegue a nyon y ya chequee en el hotel. Voy de camino a recoger el numero de inicio para la competencia de mañana. El clima esta feo, lluvioso y frío. Se espera que para mañana continúe lloviendo o que llegue un temporal.
So I am now at Nyon, already checked in the hotel and am on my way to pick up the starting number. Weather is bad, it's raining and it is expected for bad weather to continue tomorrow too.
So I am now at Nyon, already checked in the hotel and am on my way to pick up the starting number. Weather is bad, it's raining and it is expected for bad weather to continue tomorrow too.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Tri Nyon
Por asunto de calendario, tuve que cambiar la fecha del triatlón. Así que no hice el de Baldegg, como lo había publicado anteriormente en este blog, sino que tomaré parte en el triatlón de Nyon este próximo domingo 9 de agosto. Nyon es un pueblo en el lago Leman, cerca de la ciudad suiza de Ginebra. El triatlón, como todo tri de distancia olímpica, corresponde a nadar 1.5km en el lago Leman (lago compartido entre Suiza y Francia, 40km de bicicleta en los alrededores del pueblo, y correr 10km. Espero hacer un tiempo por ahí de 3 horas, pero por ser este mi primer triatlón, el objetivo es simplemente terminarlo. Bueno para ser sincero, el reto es no ahogarme en el lago, pues hace 9 años que no nado, y solamente empecé a nadar hace unos dos meses, con la asistencia técnica de mi entrenador personal de natación Daniel (aka El Caco). Deséenme éxito!
Para terminar, les pongo una foto del lugar, Nyon, y el mapa de Google para que se den una idea de dónde queda exactamente.
View Larger Map
Because of calendar problems, I had to change the date of my triathlon. Therefore, I did not participate on the Baldegg tri, but will rather be at the starting line of the Tri de Nyon, this next Sunday, August 9. Nyon is a town at Lake Geneva, nearby Geneva itself. The tri, at every olympic-distance triathlon, consists of swimming 1.5km on the lake, riding 40km on a bike course around the town, and running 10km. I am expecting a finish time of about 3 hours, although since this is my very first triathlon, the main objective is just to finish it. Well, to be honest, the main challenge is not to drown on the lake, since it's been 9 years since I last swam, and I only started practicing again about 2 months ago, under the technical assistance of my personal swimming coach Daniel (aka El Caco). Wish me success!
To finish, let me share with you a picture of the place, Nyon, as well as a Google map so you can have an idea where it is.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Göschenen - Bellinzona
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Puesto que el triatlón es el domingo de la próxima semana, el día de hoy me tocó hacer el última entrenamiento fuerte. Para este ride, escogí una ruta muy especial aquí en Suiza.
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From Bike Pictures |
From Bike Pictures |
From Bike Pictures |
From Bike Pictures |
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