Poco después de haber atendido el vuelco de la vagoneta entre Hatillo 8 y Pavas, fuimos despachados a petición del Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ), los cuales solicitaron la ayuda ya que había localizado un cuerpo en el río Tiribí, propiamente en Hatillo 6, calle Hogar Propio.
Para aquellos que conocen el lugar y el río, sabrán que son aguas tremendamente sucias. Sin embargo, debo agradecer la buena voluntad de mi compañero Jesús "El Chamo" Escalona, quien decidió ingresar a amarrar el cuerpo para traerlo a la orilla, y no pidió que ingresara yo al agua. Y debo agradecer porque ese día llevaba una botas casi nuevas, las cuales evidentemente se hubieran mojado, y tardan alrededor de una semana y media en secarse. Como Escalona llevaba una zapatos viejos especiales para ese tipo de trabajos, nada le costó ingresar al agua!
El cuerpo era de un masculino adulto, el cual tenía ya varios días de haber fallecido. La causa era bastante evidente: un homicidio. Tal vez unos cinco días atrás. El olor era tremendo. Se especulaciones, lo puedieron haber asesinado y tirado al río desde Alajuelita. El caso quedó en manos de las autoridades judiciales.
Al día de hoy no he llegado a conocer la identidad de la persona.
Tuesday, December 27th 2005:
Shortly after going to the delivery truck rollover between Hatillo 8 and Pavas, we were dispatched to attend a call from the Judicial Investigation Organismus (OIJ), who called for help since thay had located a body in the Tiribí river, Hatillo 6, Hogar Propio street. For those who know the place, they should already know the river's water is heavily polluted and dirty. However, I have to thank the good will of my workmate Jesús "El Chamo" Escalona, who decided to enter alone in the water to tie up the body so we could bring it to rivershore. And I thank him because that they I was wearing a pair of like-new boots, that when wet need about one week and a half to dry completely. Since Escalona brought with him a pair of old shoes special for that kind of operations, he had no trouble entering the water. I owe him a beer next time we're at the pub!
The body was of an adult male, who had some days already deceased. The cause of death was pretty obvious: murder. Maybe five days ago. The smell was heavy and terrible, bitter to your eyes and nose. People speculated that he could have been murdered and then his body dropped from some place in Alajuelita, which is located up-river. Judicial authorities are in charge of the investigation.
As of today, I have not come to know the identity of the person.
Jorge Sánchez
Capt. Rovira
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