Thursday, July 30, 2009


From Sommer 2009

(English below)

Ahora sí, al fin me pasé al nuevo apartamento, listo ya para empezar mis estudios en la Universidad de la Suiza Italiana, en Lugano. La mudanza fue bastante ajetreada, para decirles que en cuestión de dos días, manejé cerca de 800km con un camión Mercedes que alquilé. Pero ha valido la pena. Mendrisio, a 9 kilómetros de la frontera con Italia, es un pueblo extraordinariamente lindo, pequeño y tranquilo. Ahora que vivo en el cantón de Ticino, tengo la oportunidad de practicar mi recién aprendido italiano! Les adjunto fotos.

From Sommer 2009
From Sommer 2009

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From Sommer 2009
This is it, I finally moved to my new apartment, everything is almost set up to begin my new studies at the University of the Italian Switzerland in Lugano. The move was kind of tiring and tough, to tell you that in just two days, I drove about 800km with a Mercedes truck I rented, full of furniture and a bunch of other stuff. But it was been worth it. The place where I live now, called Mendrisio, just 9km away from the border with Italy, is an extraordinarily beautiful small and quiet town. Now that I live in Ticino, I have the opportunity to practice my recently-learnt Italian! I attach from pictures.

From Sommer 2009
From Sommer 2009

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