Sunday, April 12, 2009

30km, Rankweil - Bregenz

From Bike Pictures

(English below)
Hoy fue la sesion mas larga y extenuantes del entrenamiento: 30km a 6:45min/km, con un poco de ascensos. Para la ruta, sali de Rankweil hacia Bregenz, ciudad que queda en la orilla del lago Bodensee, muy cerca de la frontera con Baviera, Alemania. A partir de hoy, el plan de entrenamiento va bajando el kilometraje. Y es que ya faltan solamente DOS semanas para la maraton de Zurich. Como siempre, les adjunto el mapa del recorrido y unas fotos de los lugares por donde pase.

La ruta consistio en: Rankweil, Gotzis, Hohenems, Dornbirn, Lauterach y finalmente Bregenz.

Today was the longest traning session of the trainings plan: 30km at 6:45min/km, with some ascents along the way. For this route, I departed from Rankweil, in Austria, and proceeded towards Bregenz, a city that lies along the shores of Bodensee river. Bregenz is very near the border with Germany's Baviera. As of today, the training plan starts reducing mileage. The marathon is only 2 weeks ahead! As usual, I upload a map of the journey and some photos as well.
From Bike Pictures

The route consisted of: Rankweil, Gotzis, Hohenems, Dornbirn, Lauterach y finally, Bregenz.
From Bike Pictures

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